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Classified Ads

LCPCM Classified Advertisements Rates

FREE for LCPCM Members - Follow instructions below:

  1. Log in using your email address and password
  2. Go to the Classified Ad page for which you want to submit 
  3. Press ADD POST
  4. Input a Title and the Ad Content
  5. Click SAVE

$30.00 for six (6) months posting for Non-Members

Nonmembers should submit their ad to mylcpcm@gmail.com - you will then be issued an invoice and your ad will be posted when payment is received.

Ads for members and nonmembers will automatically be removed after 6 months. If you want your ad to continue running, notify us ahead of time by email mylcpcm@gmail.com with subject line Ad Renewal

LCPCM | P.O. Box 7762, Wilmington, NC 28406  • 443-370-1255 • mylcpcm@gmail.com

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