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Save the date! The LCPCM 2025 Annual Spring Conference will be held April 25, 2025 at
the Doubletree by Hilton in Columbia, MD.

Details will be shared as they become available. Stay tuned!


Becoming a Professional Counselor in Maryland is often described as a journey in perseverance and self-discovery.  This comprehensive guide provides current and reliable information and contains steps for the licensing and supervision processes. Click here to download


Welcome to our members-only listserv. It is a service for networking, sharing professional information and concerns, advertising your practice events, sharing referrals, and any other professional activity. If you are a member and are not currently receiving or able to send emails through the listserv, please contact Sharon Nalley at mylcpcm@gmail.com to correct the problem. If you are receiving emails and don't want to be, there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of all listserv emails. Please be aware that our listserv is updated every four to six weeks. Be sure to keep your membership current to take advantage of all the listserv offers.


    • Thursday, March 13, 2025
    • 9:30 AM
    • Friday, March 14, 2025
    • 4:30 PM
    • Zoom Meeting
    • 0

    Zoom links and class information will be sent 48 hours before class.

    Class limited to 40.  Registration will end when limit reached OR March 10, 11:59pm, whichever comes first.

    CEUs: 18 Continuing Education Units 

    Meets BOPCT training requirements for Approved Supervisor.  Application can be made to the BOPCT after certificate is received.


    Day One, March 13: 7 hours - 9:30am - 4:30pm via Zoom with a working lunch**

    Day Two, March 14: 7 hours - 9:30am - 4:30pm via Zoom with a working lunch**

    Plus: 4 hours – work independently online to complete course within 60 days
    A course manual is be completed within 60 days.  CEU Certificate will be issued upon notification of completion.  Partial credit will not be given.

    **working lunch means no official lunch break will be allowed.  Have your lunch with you.

    Price: $240 Members / $480 Non-Members

    Note:  There will be a $15 cancellation charge on all refunds

    Topics covered: Models of Supervision, Supervision Relationships, Group Supervision, Multicultural Supervision, Administrative Supervision, Legalities and Ethics of Supervision

    Note: Program requires attendees to register for the complete program consisting of 2 days zoom training and a 1/2 day online based program. Meeting links will be sent on the Tuesday before class starts.  Be sure to check the zoom links the day before class.

    Questions: If you have any questions please email mylcpcm@gmail.com

    • Friday, April 25, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
    • 118


    Full Day Presentation

    “Embodied Healing: Psychodrama to Enhance Mind-Body Connection and Creative Transformation”

    In this interactive and experiential workshop, participants will explore the power of psychodrama as a tool for facilitating mind-body integration and enhancing spontaneity and creativity in therapeutic work. Rooted in role theory, this training will introduce participants to key psychodramatic techniques, including psychodramatic sculpting, to access and anchor inner resources as a key component in trauma-informed counseling.

    Through didactic presentations, guided exercises, experiential demonstrations, and reflective discussion, participants will gain hands-on experience in using psychodramatic techniques to help clients enhance emotional expression, role expansion, and embodied transformation.

    Participants will leave with practical tools to enrich their clinical practice. Includes 6 CEU’s.


    Catherine D. Nugent, LCPC, TEP


    Carley Foster, LCPC

    Catherine D. Nugent, LCPC, TEP, is a nationally recognized psychotherapist, psychodramatist, and educator with over 30 years of experience in counseling, psychotherapy, and experiential training. A licensed clinical professional counselor and board-certified Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner (TEP) in psychodrama, Cathy specializes in trauma-informed care, addiction recovery, and mind-body integration.

    Carley Foster, LCPC, is an advanced psychodrama student at Laurel Psychodrama Training Institute. She is currently completing the requirements for the Certified Practitioner (CP) credential in psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy. With training through the Advanced II level of Somatic Experiencing, Carley offers experiential-based therapy that focuses on the body and nervous system.


    Registration and Breakfast: 8:00 AM

    Business Meeting: 9:00 AM

    Morning Session: 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

    Networking Lunch: 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM

    Afternoon Session: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

    Registration (and payment) deadline is 11:59pm April 11, 2025.  

    Attendees will be required to turn in a signed attendance form (which will be provided) before leaving in order to receive a CEU certificate.  Both morning AND afternoon sessions must be attended. Partial credit will not be given.  A link will be sent to an evaluation form and the certificate on Tuesday, October 29.


    Conference Fees:
    LCPCM Members: $125 
    Non-Members: $165 
    LGPC/Retired: $75 
    Student: $65 (not for LCPCs or LGPCs)

    Membership Fees*:
    LCPC: $90
    Retired: $55 (not working as an LCPC)
    LGPC: $45

    Student: $25 (not for LCPCs or LGPCs)

    *If you join when you register, you are eligible for the membership rate.

    Note:  Late registrations (after April 11) and walk-ins will be charged an additional $20 (if space is available)

    A $15 cancellation fee will be charged for all refunds

    Other Information:

    A buffet lunch will be served.

    6 CEU’s  Approved by the Maryland Board of Professional Counselors.


    Doubletree Hilton

    5485 Twin Knolls Road

    Columbia, MD  21045

    (410) 997-1060


    From 495 to I-95 North towards Baltimore:

    Take 32 West toward Columbia and exit 16A for 29 North. Then take exit 20A for 175 East. Keep right on 175 East and turn right at light onto Thunder Hill Road. Take next Right onto Twin Knolls Road and turn right at hotel sign into parking lot.

    Would you like to stay abreast of LCPCM’s training events and legislative updates? Join our email list (sign up on the website home page).  Questions?  Contact our business manager, Sharon Nalley: mylcpcm@gmail.com

    Contact LCPCM      www.LCPCM.org      mylcpcm@gmail.com     Phone: 443-370-1255

LCPCM | P.O. Box 7762, Wilmington, NC 28406  • 443-370-1255 • mylcpcm@gmail.com

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